From a reader

noticed that in your editorial section, you have almost no comments on Nu-West, negative or positive. Well let me change that by sending you a positive one.

Nu-west was the first company I dealt with when I discovered this fun world. That was over 10 years ago! I was not disappointed with them then, and I am not now! The first video I ordered was Nadia (excuse me, but I no longer have it, and I do not have the Nu-West catalog reference to it). Since, I have ordered several others from that company.

I have often thought that in time, some other production company might come along with something better, but so far, there has not been one, and I have ordered from 10 different companies that all seemed to have made decent videos.

The reason I keep going back to Nu-West is first of all the severity. I like to see harsh corporal punishment. But while I like harsh, Nu-west also offers light stuff too. And that is the great thing about Nu-West. They probably have the broadest variety of video's, the best selection, and the most video's of any company out there. And if you have an fetish interest, they either have done a video on it, or they will do one. Best of all, the Producer takes suggestions for ideas. If you like to see tickling, foot worship, or other fetishes, they probably have it. They have a broad variety of lines, and companies that produce a lot of different stuff. Not only is there Nu-West, but also Leda that specializes in male submissive, and those get pretty intense, and heavy.

My personal favorite is their Flag series, where the punishment is not limited to the butt. These represent the more punitive nature of our scene, where women and men are subjected to whippings that are on the back and thighs, as well as on the butt. They are also more in tune with what you would expect in a prison format, which is my personal scene.

And ordering has never been a problem for me, as I can see it has been with at least one other company. They are not perfect at customer service, but they do a pretty good job of it.

If there are any downsides to the company, I would say it is how pretty the female models are. While none are what I would call "ugly", some are pretty much plain Jane, and I would not give them a second look on the streets. But that is made up for with the quality of the scene. I figure that I would prefer to have a model take a heavier punishment because she can, and is willing to, that to see some pretty little gal show up, and take a light punishment. And as well, they have quite a few gems that work for them too. Overall, I would not criticize them too much for how pretty the models are, for I rate most of them above average, and I also prefer content and action over prettiness. After all, I can always go out and get a Playboy if I want to see pretty girls, but none of those girls are getting a whipping, are they.



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