David Pierson Interviews Clare Fonda.
David: Hi Clare, how are you?
Clare: Fine, how are you David?
David: I'm fine. Hey, thanks for doing this interview. I know how busy you are right now as you are about to launch your new website 'Kara Prepare Yourself' (www.karaprepareyourself.com ) and your joint venture with Chelsea (Pfeiffer)...oh Damn ..I've forgotten the name. I'm having a senior moment here. (Laugh)
Clare: The site is called Bad Boys Spanked (www.badboysspanked.com) that is the name of my joint site with Chelsea...so watch yourself! (Laugh). Actually I'm very happy to do this interview with you.
David: I have to tell you little story.
Clare: Okay.
David: About a year or so ago a friend of mine ( Cecil B. de Mented of Ohh Tee Kay Studios) asked me if I had ever seen a Spank That Bottom video? I said that I hadn't. He sent me his copy of 'The Sorority'. I thought that video was terrific. It was both very sexy and funny. When I looked into www.spankthatbottom.com I found that there was a large selection of videos available. I have to admit that I felt completely stupid. I really hadn't heard of you before my friend pointed me in your direction. Now you are a major player in the industry. So how did you get past me?
Clare: Maybe you weren't paying attention. No ..I'm kidding! Until this year I didn't have a paysite, just my Spank That Bottom (www.spankthatbottom.com ) free site from which we sell our videos. Plus I think that I'm one of those girls who is pretty twisted on the inside but sometimes a bit of a wallflower on the outside, so sometimes it takes a second look. Does that make sense? (Both laugh)
David: Absolutely and that second look is well worth the time.
Clare: Thanks.
David: I really enjoy your work. It is very sexy and yet funny. I once heard...I believe that it was a writer being interviewed on NPR's 'Fresh Air.. that something couldn't be both erotic and funny. I think your work puts the lie to that statement.
Clare: I think you can find something funny in everything. Actually we have been toned down the humor a bit as some of our early videos are a bit Monty Pythonesque, but there are genuinely hilarious moments that I am very proud of. I like to give our actresses the chance to express themselves and some have proven to be natural comediennes even when they are interviewed about their childhood for my Spanked Cuties website. ( www.spankedcuties.com)
David: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Clare: Uh..what do you want to know? (Laugh)
David: Where did you grow up?
Clare: Hmm.. I'm not sure that I have! (Laugh) Okay I'll be serious. I was born in England and moved to Florida when I was ten. Of course I brought my parents with me. I've been here in Los Angles for nine years now.
David: Most of the people that I've interviewed have had a life long fascination with spanking. If that true for you?
Clare: Not really. I had my first erotic spanking just a few years ago. What an experience! I've been corrupted ever since. I became a professional submissive shortly after that. It was after becoming a professional submissive that I discovered that spanking was a complete turn-on for me...receiving one that is.
David: I think you are a terrific switch. I've seen you take spankings and give them. Can you talk about your experiences as a top and a bottom?
Clare: For me, being spanked is so arousing. Giving doesn't arouse me as much as receiving. I guess it's better to receive than give in my case. (Both Laugh) When I spank my pretty little girls it's more of a "mommy" type of spanking. More disciplinary in nature then erotic. Now spanking a guy can be pretty hot! (Laugh)
David: You are so bad.
Clare: In a good way.
David: Speaking of being bad, were you spanked as a child?
Clare: Hmm...perhaps a couple of times. Nothing regularly. Definitely never brutal.
David: Recently, you have become a major player in the spanking industry. You make the Spank That Bottom videos. You run the Spanked Cuties website (www.spankedcuties.com ) and have appeared in Shadow Lane's 'Good Cop, Bad Cop' and Chelsea Pfeiffer's 'Soccer Moms'. I understand that you co-wrote 'Soccer Moms'. Now your are about to launch Kara Prepare Yourself (www.karaprepareyourself.com) and Bad Boys Spanked (www.badboysspanked.com) with Chelsea (Pfeiffer). God..I'm tired just thinking about it! How did you get into the spanking media business?
Clare: Gee..until now I didn't know how hard I was working. (Laugh) I guess it all started when I was working as a prosub and a gentleman came in and did a spanking session with me. We did this fantastic role play and he could see that I was into acting. It turns out the he and I are both big movie buffs. We just clicked. We then decided to collaborate on spanking media projects.
David: What makes a Clare Fonda production unique? I have my opinion...I'm interested in hearing what you have to say.
Clare: That's a hard question to answer. Thanks a lot. Well I'd say that the talent that we work with like to work with us and go the extra mile for me. Often, they give such wonderful and intimate interviews for me on Spanked Cuties or taking spankings that are a bit harder than they usually would take. Our spankings are getting harder too. I feel fortunate to have the talent pool to work with that I do.
David: Well.. I think that it's your sense of humor that makes your videos so very unique. Also, you just have this wonderful screen presence. Does that make sense?
Clare: Well thank you...I'm blushing.
David: I must ask you how you and Chelsea Pfeiffer hooked up. That seems to me to be such a wonderful match. You both are such terrific on camera performers.
Clare: I love Chels...she's amazing. We met through Shadow Lane. We decided to shoot a video together to provide material for both of us. She is such a great spanker! The video that we shot, 'Chelsea's Cute Competitor' proved to be a hit with the fans. So we then shot 'Soccer Moms' and that did very well too. I think that one captures that funny and sexy combination. When Chels and I are in a video there will be lots of give and take...so to speak. (Both Laugh)
David: You know, for me, one of the best things to happen this year was Chelsea's reemergence as a performer. It was time for her to step in front of the camera again. Don't you agree?
Clare: She is so amazing. First of all she's very funny, but from all of that yoga she does this girl is strong. We are opening a femdom site called Bad Boys Spanked. ( www.badboysspanked.com ) I am the tease and then she comes in for the kill and really spanks, flogs and straps our bad boys bottoms quite hard. I think that she's as good a female spanking top as anyone out there.
David: Well..is there a Clare Fonda project in the works that we haven't discussed?
Clare: Yeah... I just opened Spanked Sweeties (www.spankedsweeties.com) It's the same as Spanked Cuties but it's not on an avs server. I'm really excited about my upcoming 'Girls Spanks Girl' (www.girlsspanksgirl.com ) site that we a developing. This will be very hot. It will be girl on girl spanking with three sections. Disciplinary, sensual and ..uh.. Erotic.
David: Clare..this was a real pleasure. Thanks again for talking with me. Do stay in touch..okay?
Clare: I sure will. I visit your site weekly.
David: Bye, talk to you soon.
Clare: Be good.