Lupus Spanking

Updated Review by John O'Connell posted 2/12/10

The site is pretty much the same since my 2007 review as far as appearance and layout. New content is added every week from the vast film libarary of Rigid East and Lupus Films. All previously loaded films from 2007 are still online, so a first time membership will give you plenty to look at. They have also updated the video clips to have a 640X480 screen size that looks good at full screen on a 22 inch monitor. The frame rate runs at about 25 fps and the data transfer rate is around 1000 kbps. The older clips have not been updated to run with these specifications, but that seems to be the way with most sites. You also received access to a special members site called Lupus Secrets. While it certainly wouldn't be great as a stand alone site, it does offer additional clips and is a nice extra feature. Cost of membership is 34.95 USD/25.44 EUR for 30 days.

Review by John O'Connell posted 5/18/07

A few months ago, the folks that bring you the Rigid East/Lupus line of videos and DVDs opened a members website. I came across the site somewhat by accident, and having viewed many of the company's videos, was interested to see if the website would bring the same quality that they have become known for. Some companies have launched member sites, only to bring the customer a few videos per week with no online archive. I'm not a particular fan of that, so I knew it would be necessary to investigate and let the general public know what exactly you get with a membership to Lupus Spanking.

I'll first start off by not keeping you in suspense. All previously loaded videos are in fact kept online, so there is no waiting around for your favorite production to come around again to download. And, what's currently online is a pretty large amount given that the site has not been online for very long. As far as I can tell, pretty much all of the older Rigid East videos are online with many of the newer ones being loaded. The site is dedicated to the previously released Rigid East and Lupus videos, all of which are the full and unedited versions of their DVD counterparts. The interface when you log into the members area is pretty straightforward and simple. All of the productions available are listed in a scrolling menu on the right, with a latest updated area occupying the center and right part of the screen.

When you click on a production name, a separate page comes up with a box that contains various information. At the top is the video name with a small thumbnailed image. There is a fairly detailed description of what the production is about, which is nice. For videos that are completely online, you have the option of downloading one file with the complete production on it, or downloading multiple parts. The full file varies on how long the production is, so they range from 80 MB up to over 300 MBs. There are also multiple photo galleries for each production, which are also accessed from the production's page. So, everything you need for a particular video can be found right on one page and you don't need to hop from one screen to another to get the pictures.

Each video clip is in Real Video format with a video quality of 800kbs. The images are pretty crisp and play well at full screen with little quality loss. The image galleries contain thumbnailed images, with each thumbnail leading to a high resolution image averaging around 800X600. There seems to be more galleries that are not yet active than ones that are, but more importantly, most of the productions listed are ready for full file download.

I was very happy to see that the site contained an archive and didn't pull this crap of only having a few videos available at a time. As of this writing, over 50 videos are available with the majority being completely loaded and ready for full file download. The site is updated a few times per week with parts to new videos. I should note, that some of the newer and longer videos are split into 2 or 3 sections. For instance, the Exchange Student is given 3 pages, each with it's own parts and galleries. This is not done for all videos, only some of the larger ones. It's nice in a way, because you can have a full download for that section while waiting for the other parts to be loaded. There are also some bonus sites that you can check out courtesy of your membership with Lupus Spanking. The price is 29.95 USD/21.95 EUR per month. At least for the initial membership, I think it's well worth the price.

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