An unfortunate renaming of a film we saw titled "Heidi's Punishment." Actor Michael Dawes plays Mr. Gastoy, a busy executive who has hired an agency to do some housekeeping for him. Heidi shows up, and Gastoy is clearly rocked by such a glamorous girl arriving to work. The cleaning will take a few days; she lies down to rest first, is soon maturbating with a vibrator, and she plaintively calls for Mr. Gastoy to come see her; she is baiting the master.
Well, he is shocked, at least he pretends so, and since she is unrepentent, he decides she needs to go downstairs for a spanking. "I can't believe the agency sent me a girl like you." She'll do her Hoovering after she gets her spanking. She loves the very idea and shows up in fetching pink bra and panties, tattooed body, plenty of curves, an enhanced bust, and the hard stomach, bottom, and legs of a well cared-for dancer.
She goes OTK on the white sectional CalStar couch, and is positioned in the middle, so the camera can catch full-length rear and face shots. Gastoy spanks, rolls down her tiny pants, gets his hands between her legs, and thanks to her positioning, we can see she is not having a problem with any of this. He helps her off with her bra and takes a handful of breast.
He gets his famous oval soft paddle. "Oh no, sir, please don't use that one," as if she knows all about these implements. After a paddling and some crocodile tears, Gastoy makes her do some Hoovering, in the nude. She doesn't do it well (we were OK with it), so she gets the floppy stingy leather paddle/strap, bent over the couch facing us. the camera manages to circle around behind the couch to get the proper angle before this session concludes.
"I can't let you go without a caning." She demurs but acquiesces when the alternative of being reported to her agency is explained. "You're getting the piece de resistance...8 strokes." Not that many for her. The strokes are slow, good angles, she cries up a storm, running mascara. "I feel a little faint."
Back to the housework, naked. In the kitchen, at the sink, she smooths soapsuds on her pink bottom and takes some porn poses of ecstasy.