Poser CP Art
Site Status Update Feb 2010- Site is still active and cost is still a $5 donation.
Review by John O'Connell 9/18/09
New spanking websites seem to pop up fairly often these days which tend to leave people wondering what makes one better than the other. In some cases, it's kind of hard to tell the difference between what one is offering versus another. Poser CP Art is pretty different in that there are no video clips, no poor acting, no half hearted spankings. There is also no great action and hard spankings either. In fact, there are no models, no tops, and no implements. So what the hell is it you ask? It's something completely different. The man behind Poser CP Art creates graphics to depict spanking in various environments with various characters. They are images created digitally that remind me of characters you would see in the game The Sims. To me, I would think that's great, but what's the big deal? Evidently it is, as readers have told me they like this sort of thing. And the owner of this site will create images for you at a nominal cost. So, people can have images made up to their specifications. Can't get your wife to take a real spanking? Well, maybe he can secretly make an image for you to fantasize with. Or maybe a celebrity or ex girl friend. The possibilities are endless. The membership part of the site is basically a $5 donation to help with site costs and as of right now you get about 70 high resolution images that you can save and keep. Not bad for five bucks. While I'm pretty good with computers, I was never good with graphics design. This guy is pretty talented and he doesn't take you for a ride just to make up one image. He also offers discounts on multiple images. There are some cool free images you can look at, so surf on over one time when you have a few minutes and check it out.

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