Photos are ©2002 Pacific Force, Inc. Used with written permission. Unauthorized postings
will result in prosecution by Pacifc Force.
F/F reviewed by DP
This has been a terrific season for fans of the spanking video scene. There have been several terrific recent releases. The best of these is Pacific Force's " Spanked In Front Of The Class". This video is entertaining, well made and very sexy.
In this wonderful production Mistress Jacquline portrays a college psychology instructor who is teaching a class of disruptive students. Mistress J. is superb in her role as the instructor. Stanislavsky would be proud of the way Mistress J. immersed herself in her role. She literally taught a class on psychoanalysis during the video. (I think you can apply for college credit after viewing the tape) While attempting to impart the theories of Sigmond Freud on her class, Mistress J. finds herself in need to trying to contain the id driven antics of her students. One by one the miscreants are spanked by their irate teacher in front of their peers. What makes this production trully unique is the fact that it was shot in a real college classroom containing both professional performers and actual college students. Almost all of the seats in the classroom were filled. This added Authenticity to the production. When the girls in the video are spanked, they are punished in front of a room full of other young people.
The creative team of Pacific Force had assembled a terrific group of professional performers. The featured performers are Molly Mattews, Sherl Lynn, Trisha Monroe ; Sasha and ( my favorite) Lena Ramon. Each of the girls are gorgeous. They all project the feeling that they were really humiliated by having their beautiful bottoms exposed and spanked in front of all of the other "students". The real college students were used to good effect during the production. During some of the more severe spankings the camera would capture the reaction of these " civilians". It is a terrific touch.
For me another reason this video works so well is that it addresses one of the most basic of spanking fantasies. That is being spanked in school in front of your peers. When I was attending catholic school I remember fantasizing about the girls being spanked. In many ways, this video is my fantasy come true.
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